Four Tips For Avoiding The Appearance Of Drunk Driving When Stopped At A Checkpoint

If you get stopped at a sobriety checkpoint, whether you were stopped for reckless driving or because it's a "stop all cars" type of checkpoint, you'll want to present the most sober appearance and behavior you possibly can to the police officer who comes to your window. This is, of course, the case whether you've had a drink that night or not, but it's trickiest if you've had a drink and you know your blood alcohol level is below the legal limit. In this situation, the officer may smell alcohol on your breath and you may be required to take a test, but if it's not a very accurate test you could end up with a wrongful DUI on your hands. Here are four tips to help you avoid looking drunk when stopped at a DUI checkpoint. (Of course, they'll only work if you actually are sober.)

1. Have your license and registration ready

Not only does being prepared to hand over your license and registration help minimize the length of the stop, but it can also help you feel more prepared, making you less likely to fumble nervously with your wallet as you remove the license. (Believe it or not, fumbling and other clumsy behavior are some of the signs police look for that let them know you might be drunk, despite the fact that it could just mean you're really nervous.)

2. Speak politely and clearly

Since slurring and a bad attitude are two more possible results of being under the influence, it's a good idea to speak as clearly and politely as possible in order to give the officers no further clues that you could be anything less than sober.

3. Make eye contact

Since all officers need is a reasonable suspicion that you're doing something illegal to search your car (whether that involves alcohol or not), it's important to make sure your body language doesn't create any suspicion. Make eye contact and, if it feels natural, maybe even give the officer a smile. Don't force it, though.

4. Compose yourself before the stop

Yes, there are many legitimate reasons for crying, but it's also true that many people cry after drinking alcohol because it removes their inhibitions, effectively turning them into a blubbering mess. In addition. alcohol can cause similar symptoms to a crying fit, such as red eyes and a flushed complexion. If you're just crying because you're having a really bad day or you just broke up or a member of the family just died, you don't want to make things worse by getting arrested for drunk driving, so try to compose yourself as much as possible before stopping. These four tips will help you avoid the appearance of drunkenness, making police officers less likely to ask you to get out of the vehicle and take a field test. Be sure to consult with a lawyer from a law firm like The Ryan Law Firm as well for legal advice about what to do when stopped at a DUI check.
