Key Reasons To Put A Skilled Child Sexual Assault Lawyer On Retainer

An accusation of sexual assault of a minor can have devastating and irreparable damages on your life. You could lose everything that you have worked for in a matter of hours. You also could face serving out the rest of your life in prison.

Instead of taking your chances alone in court, you can retain an attorney who practices criminal law. You can benefit from hiring an experienced child sexual assault lawyer to take your case.

Proving Your Innocence

The crux of your case will ultimately come down to the facts of what actually took place between you and the accuser. No one wants to call a child a liar. However, the evidence may clearly show that you did not commit the offense and thus are not guilty of the accusations against you.

Your child sexual assault lawyer can uncover this evidence and use it to prove to the judge or jury that you did not harm the child that accused you. The facts may show that the child's parents compelled them to make up accusations against you. The child may also have been too overwhelmed or frightened to name their actual attacker.

Regardless, your lawyer can use the facts of the case to build an effective defense for you. The facts can cast doubt on the accuser's story and bring to light who actually committed the crime if one was committed at all.

Dismissing the Charges

A child sexual assault lawyer can also help teenagers who find themselves being accused of statutory rape. The laws in some states have raised the legal age of consent above the ages of what some teenagers in dating relationships currently are. For example, a 17-year-old boy may find himself accused of statutory rape if he dates a 16-year-old girl. 

The laws for statutory rape may not necessarily apply to teenagers who are only separated in age by a few months or even a year. A child sexual assault lawyer can present the facts to the judge and show that the older teenager is not a predator and does not deserve to be labeled as a child sex offender.

A child sexual assault lawyer can provide helpful legal services to people accused of such offenses. They can show the facts do not support the accusations and shed light on what really happened.

To learn more about your case, contact a company like Cohen Law Offices, LLC.
